Jul 26, 2011

Burn! Top Striker

[ARR] Moero! Top Striker - 01 [629A2265].mkv


  1. Hey, is this a properly done fansub? If so, kudos to you for starting this project!

  2. Properly done fansubs require editors. You know?

  3. ...and translators who know their Japanese, because this sub is absolutely horrible...

  4. Hope next episode will be available soon!

  5. #and translators who know their Japanese, because this sub is absolutely horrible...#
    And you think you can judge, stupid weaboo?))

    #Hope next episode will be available soon!#
    Hope you'll BUY raws soon... 'cause they aren't free.

  6. "And you think you can judge, stupid weaboo?))"

    - Yes, I can judge, and you don't go around calling people "stupid" like that... honestly... I am pretty sure that whoever translated either 1) translated from the french DUB, or 2) made up the subs because these subs on Top Striker as FUCKING AWFUL when it comes to the translation quality! Sorry to hurt your ass or something, but that's the truth! Unfortunately I am in a period where I'm moving to France, so I can't go over the episode an provide you a correct translation, but if I could, trust me, I would!

  7. #Yes, I can judge, and you don't go around calling people "stupid" like that...#
    If you can judge, it means you know japanese. And if you know japanese & still watching fansubs, especially ARR ones, it's not stupid, of course... it doesn't make any sense at all!

    #translated from the french DUB#
    No, FROM ARABIC!! There's not enough frenchmen in France these days, y'know!

    #made up the subs#
    Isn't it stupid to even think about such rubbish? No? Oh, sorry then.

    # I can't go over the episode an provide you a correct translation, but if I could, trust me, I would!#
    But you didn't, and hadn't even got planned... And it's sole reason why this fucking awful sub appears.

  8. bien envoyé Frank Einar Haugen :)

  9. Inactive: Aha, so you did translate it from another dub (which is pretty awful to do, and subs like these should not be released). I know Japanese to some degree, enough to translate easy dialogue, but not enough to fully translate anime. I've been a fansubber for 8 years (mostly for Saizen Fansubs), and 4 of them I timed translations, so I kinda learned some Japanese that way.

    Shamo: Merci.

  10. Maybe you don't know but weaboo is also... person who "learning" or thinking he know japanese when in reality he don't. Well, was I wrong?

  11. Well, I know my level of Japanese isn't bad, but I would never attempt to translate because I don't want to release shitty subs ^^;

    You were right about my interpretation, though, I took it like a "n00b/idiot", but you're not right about me being someone who "thinks" he knows japanese, because I am well aware of my Japanese level, thus I don't translate from Japanese (I've done from french SUBS along with me re-translating some lines because I heard things were wrong, with someone who's GOOD at japanese tl checkin), but to translate from another dub... that is hideous and should never ever be done. I would feel ashamed to release subs like that.

  12. Hmm, aren't you trying to say that Anime is Something Sacred or JAPANESE PEOPLE ARE GODS? Oh no, it worse than I thought!!アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \

  13. Inactive: I think you quite managed to make yourself look like an idiot here, so I'll leave it at that :)

    But I can stress out the important part of the last message: unlike you, I take pride in the work I do, and don't release shit on internet, but then again, you're of the speedsubbing non caring generation, so nothing else than crap would be expected from you.

  14. #you're of the speedsubbing non caring generation#
    Anime-Junkies & speedsubs begin digisub era so nothing's strange here, really...

    #nothing else than crap would be expected from you#
    Maybe you purposely searching for crap among gold? Where you was when we released http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=211721
    or at least http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=232570 ?

  15. Strange... I never said it was strange, and by the way, there weren't many speedsubbers that didn't care a few years when I started out subbing. It was in a good era of fansubbing with highly groups as Anime-Kraze, A-one, Anbu, Kaizoku-fansubs -- groups like gg and shinsen-subs were regarded as crap... What you do, at least with what you did with this series, vs. what those groups do is hideous and really poor in quality.

    Anyways, you admitted the poor quality and how you translated and subbed it, so I've obtained what I wanted, and stop commenting here.

  16. Kaizoku? Group that edits actual anime - is it your ideal?

    #you admitted the poor quality and how you translated and subbed it, so I've obtained what I wanted#
    What was that for? Seriously, is it what fansubbers should to talk about?

  17. KF might add blood and do other typesetting, and to be honest, I don't care, because they do marvelous translations and any other aspect of the sub...

    What it was good for to get you to get you to admit how you do you "subbing"? It was good so other people know how much of a halfassed job you've done, that's it.

  18. #I don't care, because they do marvelous translations and any other aspect of the sub...#
    FX/Kara/Hardsubs/Blood... All these things destroying author's message & thus are more evil than any shitsubs(which you can turn off).

    #It was good so other people know how much of a halfassed job you've done#
    You're last one who find out, seriously.) And I'm not doing it because I want, but because I dont have other choice.

  19. Hello!
    I've got to say that i've better raws for this series. And iv'e seen it in my country and i must say that your subs are awfull!! u miss several important aspects of the series. I don't recomment it to anyone.
    Sorry but i know this series ant it's the truth.

  20. Important aspects, lol... at least I shared it.

    #your subs are awfull!!#
    'Cause of lack of donations from... FROM YOU, BUDDY!!!

  21. Sharing episodes with awful subs like this one its worst than not sharing at all.

    Lack of donations? LOL!
    That would make u a better translator?

    Jesus!! I would help you with the translations, since i know the series... but you only care for money and don't admit critics from nobody!
    So i'll pass... buddy!

  22. #Sharing episodes with awful subs like this one its worst than not sharing at all.#
    Retarded conclusion. It's "better than nothing".

    #That would make u a better translator?#
    Retarded conclusion. There's no my credits in sub.

    #and don't admit critics from nobody!#
    Retarded conclusion. Already admitted + explained million times all "how & why".

    #you only care for money#
    Retarded conclusion, you greedy piece of troll!!

  23. I am right in all. U just can't admitted.
    Instead, u just keep calling me retarded.

    If u didn't behaving like that i would help u guys with translation.

    And i had more to say, but my english isn't that good, so u have lucky.

  24. #U just can't admitted.#
    Read previous posts sometimes.

    #Instead, u just keep calling me retarded.#
    I have to SHOW YOU THE TURTH! It exclude any hypocritical politeness.

  25. That is one quality work for a nearly twenty year old anime. It was one of my favorites and I would be pleased if THESE people do the whole series. I am cheering for them.

  26. "THESE" people? Who do you mean?
