Feb 1, 2024
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Yamato Takeru
ReplyDeleteHonoo no Tenkousei (aka: Blazing Transfer Student) ep 2 laserdisc rip
ReplyDeleteYAMATO TAKERU - yes, i have some subbed eps so give me some bucks & I'll up them at once if you like!
ReplyDeleteHONOO NO TENKOUSEI - don't waste your time here, techguru, I'm not a raw-provider.)))
ReplyDeleteThe first LD episode is this one, right? http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5ACUBVWT
Then I'm pretty sure I found the second one. Give it a while to download and upload, though.
are you seriously trying to make some bucks on old fansubs? Thats just wrong.
ReplyDeleteAlright, here goes:
WDYM by "old"? I'm helping people, silly.
ReplyDeletehow the hell did you get that file
ReplyDeleteive been trying to get it on utatane for like 6 months
and he's perfectly right about donations...I defiantly would donate...im just worried I donate and he uses it on beer and cigarettes....if I wanted to support that...id drive downtown and give the natives and blacks my change :P
I have all the dvd rip quality raws for Yamato Takeru
ReplyDeleteneed to get my hands on the subs now...me and a few other guys are gonna release it once we do with nice fonts and typesettings
ReplyDeleteI downloaded it from Clubbox. Koreans sometimes upload the raws from Japanese P2P on it. The only downside of this software is its speed (up to 50kb/s for free users, but I usually get a half of it) and no simultaneous downloads. But other than that it's more reliable than, say, Share, because if the file is listed, you're 99% sure to download it. And if you want to try it, I'd suggest setting up several virtual machines and installing it on them. You can cheat the software that way and download more than one file at once and max out your connection speed.
I thought techguru is another naive spammer but he turned up another big talking scooler! What a waste, guys! Looks like anime don't teach you anything good!
ReplyDeleteMizuiro Jidai
ReplyDeleteMIZUIRO JIDAI - Sorry, but I alredy uploaded all I've got. If I'm gonna do smth I prefer to complete it. In this case we need not only translate 13-38, but also do recaps(39-47) which will be rather hard since there's practically no oldschool translators available.
ReplyDeleteKyou kara Ore Wa - if you do this show i would love you :D
ReplyDeleteKYOU KARA ORE WA - All eps tled long time ago, only editor needed. You can contact subbers at http://www.kanjisub.com / soshen@nipponart.org / #kanjisub@irc.rizon.net
ReplyDeleteYou did the American dubbed OVA of Shadow World that was bits and pieces of UFO Senshi Dai Apolon. Any chance of the original series and its sequel?
ReplyDeleteDAI APOLON - yes, it was broadcasted in USA in the end of 70s with subs. Now we can buy it from japanese bootlegger - each DVD per 12 $; here's list:
ReplyDeleteEpisodes #1-3, 5-6
Episodes #7-11
Episodes #12-14, 17-18
Episodes #19-22
Please proceed to checkout.
Do you have Hana no Ko Lunlun TV? A dub aired in America, apparently. Only a few eps were released on VHS though
ReplyDeleteAlso, Magical Emi from episode 10?
HANA NO KO LUNLUN - yes, only 2 eps & compilation movies was released. I remastered both of them but not sure about movie(it costs 25GBP on UK Amazon).
ReplyDeleteMAGICAL EMI: Someone from Animesuki promise again to up it after he edit all subs but it can take maaaaaany time. Anyway, you always can donate for it & for many other titles:
ReplyDeleteAka-chan to Boku
Nanako S.O.S.
Tokimeki Tonight
Blazing Alpenrose Movies
Chou! Kuse ni Narisou 17-20
Goldfish Warning! Movie
Lady Lady!! Movie
Licca-chan: Wondrous Magical Ring OVA
Licca-chan: Wondrous Yunia Story OVA
Magical Emi Semishigure OVA
Memolu in the Pointed Hat Movie
Alien X from A Zone OVA
Magical Girl Trio OVA
Gdleen OVA
Heavenly Chronicles 1-13
Munto The Movie
Ask Dr Rin 1-51
Little Women 1-48
Keroro Gunsou/Gunsu
ReplyDeleteSeries and/or Movies please!
I have found only 2 Movies and many untranslated episodes.
KERORO SERIES - subbed up to 129 by Doremi:
KERORO MOVIE 3 uploaded by me (LQrip so you can sponsor better copy)):
KERORO MOVIE 4 subbed by xTamamachanx:
KERORO MOVIE 5 - chinese rip appeared & it means that HK also comes up soon. You can make predonation.))
Thanks for the reply,
ReplyDeleteI have the first 2 eps of Lunlun subbed by Diclonious in English... most of their subs are in Romanian but they are adding v2's for Lunlun which also have English subs. They take a very, very long time though -_-
Only of those I'm reallly interested in is Aka-chan to Boku and Little Women... but not desperately seeking them, lol
Yes, I'm only one who's desperare here! All other leechers just want to dl but don't want to pay. But life is a zero sum game, y'know...
ReplyDeletePlease make cutey honey flash tv and movie
ReplyDeleteCutey honey F 39 episodes:
Cutey Honey F movie:
CUTEY HONEY F MOVIE - copy of vhsfansub alavilable on bootleg form Japan - 15$(delivery included.)
ReplyDeleteCUTEY HONEY F TV - 4 subbed tapes(9-24) available from WeddingPeachFansubs distro. Not sure 'bout their price but at least delively will cost ~19$ for me.
ReplyDeleteDai Yamato Zero-go
Yamato 2520
DAI YAMATO ZERO-GO - http://www.amazon.co.jp/宇宙漫画の巨匠-「大YAMATO零号」-VOL-01-05-SPECIAL-DVD-BOX/dp/B0010SL77G
ReplyDelete22 used from ¥ 3,807
YAMATO 2520 - Yes, I have scripts & raws at least for 2 eps. Let me know the amount you intend to invoice for the work done.
19th century boy takamaru OVAS
TAKAMARU - I have raws from nicovideo. Well, better watch Grandzort.))
ReplyDeleteHow about the '80s Cyborg 009 TV series? There were VHS era fansubs of that, if I recall.
ReplyDeleteCYBORG 009 (1979) - yes, it's subbed completely and, like I suppose, not by fansubbers but by TV mans(it was broadcasted along with Dai Apolon). 144$ for 12 bootleg DVDs from Japan(12 per disc) or rather 96$ if you'll find raws for 1-16 eps: http://subs.com.ru/page.php?id=8857
ReplyDeleteI don't have much money, but do you have any subs of Hiatari Ryoukou? I've been looking for subs of it for a long time, and I don't even care if the subs aren't too well done.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
HIATARI RYOUKOU - I suppose you need to be glad 'cause, as you see, nobody else don't have it at all. It's a really rare thing these days, y'know... No, I don't have anything except 8 eps that was subbed long time ago. But since HK bootleggers released Musashi No Ken & Ashita no Joe there's always a chance.
ReplyDeleteactually, i have request which i think you guys would like. can you filter code geass to look like 90's animation, record onto VHS tapes and send them to me? I'll gladly donate for this...
ReplyDeleteIt's pointless. CG is a shit! It was shit on HDTV, it will be shit on VHS. We're not working with shit, sorry.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, how much would you need for Little Women 1-48?
ReplyDeleteNOTHING! It was sold out while you were "curious"! Just 32$... *sob sob*
ReplyDeleteTrapp Family still available though: http://dvd.jsdvd.com/product_info.php?cPath=104_108&products_id=342&language=us
ReplyDeletehow about isami? how much is it gonna cost?
ReplyDeleteTOBE! ISAMI - Yes, I need next R1 volume. It will cost 14$ for me with delivery.
ReplyDeleteis that for random eps or whole series?
ReplyDeleteIf there was complete set price will be "different": http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%22Dairugger+Collection%22&x=0&y=0
ReplyDeleteI can't see Tobe! Isami in the list.. maybe you posted the wrong link?
ReplyDeleteYou're a tough guy, huh?)
I am aware of the Hirameki license, but I am also aware that they didn't completely release the series.. that's why I asked you if you had the whole series or not.. and it's exactly why I didn't purchase it myself back in the day.. I don't like watching incomplete series..
ReplyDeleteI guess I was too happy about the subs and didn't realize it was the official subs
thanks anyway..
Do you have this title? Idol Fight Suchie-pai
I need the LD version, not the R1 DVD version.
Just name me the price :D
What for you need LD if you already have DVD? No, sorry, I don't have such ripping device; no one from my country have it.´▽`
ReplyDeleteThe DVD is censored, the LD version is not. Thanks anyway.
ReplyDeleteDo you guys happen to have access to old stuff that was only released on flashdisks etc? I remember some old shoujo shows being subbed by Hana Dori, per example Aka-chan to Boku.
ReplyDeleteAKA-CHAN TO BOKU - not flash, lazerdiscs (LD)... Yes, I have >20 subbed eps of this truly amazing series but it doesn't mean that I'm gonna share it for free.^ゝ^
ReplyDeleteI would like to see Giant Gorg and Sasuga no Saroutobi. I have LDs for these and I just got a hauppage PVR, thinking about ripping them. Thanks for doing junk boy and the L Gaim OVAs
ReplyDeleteHmm... I just know that Sarutobi can be translated from French but unfortunately DVD-raws available only for first 20 eps:
А goddamn'a в царстве hk нетъ?
ReplyDelete1)Ничего, что не издано на ДВД, там в принципе быть не может. Последний видеомагнитофон был продан ещё в 2007 вместе с банкротством Anime-Cartoon.
ReplyDelete2)Ять, ты что ли?! А тебя каким ветром?
Не Ять, другой я.
ReplyDeleteHow about the recent Crayon Shin-chan movies? I mean movies 15+
ReplyDeleteIs there any available subs you could get your hands on?
Yes, chinese.) About older I'm not very sure since resellers from ioffer don't post covers... but probably some of them has english. Most of movies are pretty generic in any case.
ReplyDeleteI searched several sites, but unfortunately all of them were chinese with no english subs.. so probably those are chinese only, too.
ReplyDeleteplease let me know/post here when you see english subs.. thank you
For exmp: http://www.ioffer.com/i/japanese-animation-movie-crayon-shinchan-1998-eng-sub-40937676 As you see, many ppl sell HKs: http://www.ioffer.com/search/items/crayon but some of them lying about subs.^_-
ReplyDeleteI also accidentally got movies 5-9 with japanese/chinese subs & dunno what I need to do with them. Mail me if you'll find translator.))
Hi, uh anyone know from which game the ad pic of ARR is from? The one where a woman is giving a guy with glasses a headlock.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely wrong place to ask but I'll feel like answer: PurexCure.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! You guys are now taking money for illegal activities! Well done!
ReplyDeletethey are not doing anything illegal since non of the series they released are licensed in Russia..
ReplyDeleteANIME IS A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT! Buying anime you'll help industry, dling - kill it.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that it's not licensed does not make it legal to distribute copyrighted material without permission. Even more so when taking money for it.
ReplyDeleteAll fansubs are illegal unless the subtitles are released alone without the video.
ReplyDeleteAnd moreover, raws are illegal too, so PLEASE STOP ALL YOUR DOWNLOADS IMMEDIATELY!!
I never said raws weren't illegal. All distribution, be it raw or subtitled is illegal.
ReplyDeleteFact of the matter is, you shouldn't be taking money for something like this.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not purposely trying to be an asshole. I just don't like the fact that the anime that I actually DO buy gets distributed online for free. I dislike it even more when someone takes money for it. This only hurts the anime industry.
I feel that being a supporter of the anime industry, I am free to express my opinion.
Sorry if you felt that this was an attack on you.
ReplyDeleteP.S. And just tell me one thing: what a honorable man, that never dling anime, doing in this blog?
Excuse me? You're helping the scene by being the only person in here to buy stuff? That's not helping at all...
ReplyDeleteConsider this the last time I come back here, since there's no way a kid could understand what he's doing.
Goodbye and best of luck to you.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete> raw or subtitled is illegal.
> you shouldn't be taking money for something like this.
LOL... Dowloading anime is like drug. Drugs are illegal but if you want to have it you MUST pay.
Torrents are only FREE drugs which we know.
ReplyDeleteany chance of a full rip for " cats eye" ?
ReplyDeletewith HK subs - the current ones are incomplete
ReplyDeleteYes, how much you can pay?
ReplyDeleteWhat manga is the image of the girl putting money into the guy's back pocket from?
ReplyDeleteKnowledge isn't free, Sydney. ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
ReplyDeleteHow much of Maho no Idol Pastel Yumi can you get?
ReplyDeleteAlso, how much of Majokko Megu-chan?
LTNS, Namaiki! It's sponsored translations: Yumi's from italian dub(not so faithful), and Megu-chan - from swedish subs(decent enough).
ReplyDeleteHello. We would like to see Maho no Idol Pastel Yumi translated like on: [ARR] Maho no Idol Pastel Yumi - 01 [AVC][2B3B0602].mkv. With quality. How much should we donate to get it 1st priority and all (2-25) episodes?
ReplyDeleteI forgot mail, it's oblitor@tlen.pl or MSN oblitor@hotmail.com
ReplyDelete24 eps => from italian: 24 x 6 = 144 / from japanese: 24 x 9 = 216. For quality you also need editor(+ jap QC if from italian), dunno where to hire them.^ゝ^Priority? Not sure, we're in the state of agony now.
ReplyDeleteDo you have italian eps with hard or soft subs?
ReplyDeleteNo, it's translation from dub. Italians don't sub old stuff cos they have more than enough on tv & dvd.
ReplyDeleteMedarot episode 01
ReplyDeletecontact detail: kodai_ryuta@live.co.uk
ReplyDeleteyou're wrong about the Italians.
Yamato Video (www.yamatovideo.com) has been releasing lots of old anime with italian subs. Pastel Yumi,Hana no Ko Lunlun and lots of others.
BTW, for those interested, Pastel Yumi has also been released in France, with french subs.
But they never rips them 'cause THEY'RE NOT WEABOOS! If you have smth, please give it to me; as for information, I can always use google.>_<
ReplyDeletehi i want to know if you could release mama is 4th grader resub it cause i seen u do old anime this one is
ReplyDeleteYes, but I'm not gonna since it takes a lot of efforts, time, money & pain in the neck because of FILLERS (they created 51ep series from only 2 short manga voulmes!). And what in exchange? 3-4 "thx" from bots & bunch of trolls! No way guys! NO WAY!
ReplyDeletehi i was wondering if you guys would take on Mama wa Shougaku 4 Nensei its about 4th grader girl who take care of her own daughter who sum how time trip to the past
ReplyDeleteI ALREADY ANSWERED YOU! Don't pretend blind!
ReplyDeletecan u get Dash! Yonkuro, like the full season?
ReplyDeleteNo, only 2 eps left on nicovideo - 01 & 23.
ReplyDeleteplease sub
ReplyDeletestop hibari kun
its an old anime and very unique
you may like it
easy to find
youtube has every episode
in raw
and 5 subbed
M.3.3.W have to sub it:
ReplyDeleteONLY 2 EPS!!
i dont think they are going to sub hibari kun
ReplyDeletesince years they are saying some day they will sub it
and nothing happened
Mushiking (been wanting to watch this since 2005!)
ReplyDeleteMore Aka-chan to Boku
Marshmallow Times
Mahou Shoujo Lalabel TV series
Animal Yokocho (19-51)
Kirarin Revolution (116-153)
Mama wa Shougaku 4 Nensei (5-51)
Azuki-Chan (Raws availabe on Youtube)
Bucky: The Incredible Kid
Any hope for any of these?
We're still alive so there's hope.´▽`
ReplyDelete>Mushiking (been wanting to watch this since 2005!)
Yes, 1st ep from French... but egoistic collectors don't want share raws with us. What can we do?
>More Aka-chan to Boku
Yes, from Italian.
>Marshmallow Times
No raws availlable, only some nicorips; so probably one ep for try.
>Mahou Shoujo Lalabel TV series
Yes, from Italian (although movie was from jap & quite expensive))
>Animal Yokocho (19-51)
>Kirarin Revolution (116-153)
Too crazy.(in both good & bad senses)
>Mama wa Shougaku 4 Nensei (5-51)
Already requested.
>Azuki-Chan (Raws availabe on Youtube)
In torrents too, but quality... although yes, can be done from Spanish.
>Bucky: The Incredible Kid
Yes, from Latino.
All concrete talks - through mail.
damn. too bad u guys dont have the full season..ah well, so can i get Dash! Yonkuro episode 23 please?
ReplyDelete>damn. too bad u guys dont have the full season..
ReplyDeleteToo bad fans don't care 'bout oldschool, don't helping each other, don't buying & sharing stuff, or buying but only for themselves etc... That's too bad & that's the reason.
>ah well, so can i get Dash! Yonkuro episode 23 please?
Sure, why not?/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2nd part of 9ep too:
Hi there :)
ReplyDeleteCould you check this anime for me
"Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai" if there is an HK release or raws ?
Do you think I know special places(and right people))? Anyone can see that only one tape was released: http://injapan.ru/auction/f103265035.html
I know must of your releases are slightly more old school, but is there any chance you guys might consider doing Samurai Pizza Cats?
ReplyDeleteCat Ninden Teyandee aka Samurai Pizza Cats:
ReplyDeleteEpisodes 1-35
Episodes 36-54
thank you so much ^^ I really wasn't expecting such a fast and awesome response
ReplyDeleteYume Senshi Wingman subs. Not jap>french>english ones.
ReplyDeleteI warn you: mockery will be deleted.
ReplyDeletePlease do Gear Fighter Dendoh. Thanks
ReplyDeleteBy curiosity, how much for the rest of the kindaichi shonen no jikenbo tv series ?
ReplyDelete"Curiosity"? Don't waste ur time, ha!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnyone wanna know what he requested?/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ReplyDeleteI had requested Don Dracula. Even though I have already found it, I want to stick to my honor and sill pay the man for each episode. Just tell me how much do you want per episode. As long as it's not an outrageous sum, I'll send it after each Don Dracula episode is released. Yes, I have a PayPal account now.
ReplyDeleteHonor - what a strange reason to waste money! After - what a strange way of donating!... Maybe it isn't so strange as you like but we usually discuss all details through mail. Is it ok?
ReplyDeleteMail's fine. Mine's eugen_dmon@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeleteHi, I sent you an email regarding Dr. Slump... please let me know if you got it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHow about Naki no Ryu?
- Very niche & genre
ReplyDelete- VHS, 320x240
- 6x30 eps
I don't know anyone in one's right mind who can tackle it...^ゝ^
SOrry, but im here to ask, why are all the animes here only have 1 episode? if for example, i want more episodes of dash yonkuro i have to donate?
ReplyDelete1)Not all. 2)If shortly, yes... How about http://arr-soarin.blogspot.com/2011/07/f-tv.html? It's much more quality.
ReplyDeleteHey inactive would you also sub hentai or anything like that?
ReplyDeleteI did one time but didn't get satisfaction (if you get what I mean)). http://arr-soarin.blogspot.com/2010/09/o-parts-oman.html
ReplyDeleteBe-Bop-High School
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout http://hokutonogun.com/? They're death on delinquent animes.) And I mostly work on children series.
ReplyDeleteI doubt they try to release Be-Bop. : (
ReplyDeleteWhy so? They did some quite long series.
ReplyDeleteThey will not release Be-Bop High School just because you asked ... Or will they?
ReplyDeleteSame with me)) or any other group. But there's always bigger/smaller chance so why not to try?
ReplyDeleteEmblem Take 2 OVAs
ReplyDeleteGreat! Probably most famous yakuza OVA; but the question is... how much?)
ReplyDeleteMy grateful for doing this?
ReplyDelete"Your grateful..." what?) And I read on hokutonogun.invisionzone.com that they working on it, btw.
ReplyDeleteIs ARR continuing 2 sub Get Ride! AMDriver ?
ReplyDeleteHiroshima no ichiban densha ga hashitta. Raw is here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VMRF8VIM
ReplyDeleteYour bid?
ReplyDeleteRecently donated 9 bucks for a release of more FujiLog. sab0203
ReplyDeleteOk... where's raws now?) If I released 1st ep it doesn't necessary mean I can do the same with others. Thus, you should contact me BEFORE sponsoring.
ReplyDeleteYo, only two more episodes of Don Dracula left. Just your friendly reminder.
ReplyDeleteUltraman Kids - in search of mother
ReplyDelete>Make DETAILED request => Donate => Get it from torrents!
ReplyDeleteSend you an e-mail to the address in your profile.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I donate to you, so you guys can give us more Corrector Yui episodes?
ReplyDeleteHi, Jessica! We're not gonna give any more eps of this amazing series to dear ungrateful leechers, but don't forget that there's many other grate titles. If you want to talk about them privately, my mail's in my profile.
ReplyDeleteReseed of Dr Slump Movies please
ReplyDeleteAll movies are stuck
How much your "please" cost?$_$
ReplyDeleteI had downloaded off from youtube a Osuma Tezuka movie, called Osamu Tezuka Story I am Son-Goku, but it had no subs, so I am wondering if you can subbed it. I do have a joined version and if you want, I could upload the film.
ReplyDeleteYou can contact me at unicornlady62@hotmail.com
I dled it from youtube too, but it was subbed! So I'm not interested in it anymore, sorry.✿◠‿◠
ReplyDeleteTime Travel Tondekeman! ep.1 is currently stuck at 65.6%... Are there any plans to release/sub the entire series? It's one of my favorite anime back in the 90's, but I can't seem to find any English subs or Japanese RAWs out there... :(
ReplyDeleteAre you gonna sponosr it, dear anon? You seem ignoring me lately. ̄ー ̄
ReplyDelete6 episodes (25 minutes each including op and ed) of Kyomu Senshi Miroku.
ReplyDeleteRaws: http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=173897
How much it costs and how much time are you going to take?
Never ask fansubbers about release dates. Of course you can hire more or pay more to make it faster, but personally I never did that... For "regular" work it'll be ~15$ for standard tv ep (21 min).
ReplyDeleteI am just wondering but:
ReplyDeleteDo you intend to also sub the 2nd season (another 26 episodes) of Jang Geum`s Dream as you already did the first?
We're not intended to continue any series without support from you fans (and by "support" I don't mean mere words). We're working for fans and when fans don't care, why we should?
ReplyDeleteEiji, a 90's boxing ova
ReplyDeleteHere you can download de subtitle file but i never find a raw video for play it
It's not OVA & I have it on tape. Buy me new tv-tuner & it's yours.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for a reseed of:
ReplyDelete[ARR] Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf 2 [AVC][AB7F34CC].mkv
Found here:
I'm willing to donate $10.
I emailed you my contact information. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI kindly request for a subbed version of Dokkiri Doctor(DVD: 1-27 episodes) to be reseeded.
This is Vintage anime that I have been looking for a long time, but to no avail.
Most appreciated.
Thank you.
It was subbed? No. It was uploaded? No. Sorry but your request doesn't make sense.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi. Can I request for Aka-Chan to Boku download links for episode 27-35?
ReplyDeleteI could give you my e-mail, if things should be said and done in further concrete details. I'd greatly appreciate everyone's replies.
Please and Thank you!
Thanks for interest! Answered on mail.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteCan you make English subs for the Crows OVA's?
Raw DDL links below.
Also referenced in this thread on BBT.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteHow much for all of Shonan Bakusozoku and is ARR willing to sub it? Also, How much for all of Hidamari no Ki and is ARR willing to sub it?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletePedal your propaganda elsewhere. That'll only work for popular unreleased anime. The amount of donations required to get DVD releases will be astronomical.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteSpammers forgot who fed 'em all these 3 years... BUT GOD NEVER FORGET YOUR SINS!
ReplyDeletetrying to re-seed little women as per request- only seeder in existance right now- its the two part torrent.
ReplyDeletedl one ep at a time! start from first to last of each set.
re-seeding "little women" (two part version)
ReplyDeletedl one ep at a time from first to last of each torrent.
Can you subbed Omocha-Bako Series, Dai-3-Wa: Ehon 1936-nen into English as well. And here's a link here.
DeleteCan you subbed Omocha-Bako Series, Dai-3-Wa: Ehon 1936-nen into English as well.
Could you please reseed
ReplyDelete[ARR] Shouri Toushu (勝利投手) [374FB321].avi
there are 10+ peers but every one of them are stuck at 97.6% except for one peer which has 99.6 but doesnt appear to be uploading..
its like 20mb needed so all that should be needed is a couple of minutes of seeding..
How much each minute cost?>_<
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteit would great if u can subs Yawara! Sore yuke koshinuke kizzu! it's a great anime, thanx
ReplyDeleteWait for Saizen, bro: http://www.saizen-fansubs.com/
Deleteryuusei sentai musumet please! cause your the only guys working on it.
ReplyDeleteForgotten ecchi should stay forgotten!
DeleteCan anyone please seed Hell Teacher Nube OVAs and Movies? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteCan you please try google first?
can I get Kaze no Naka no Shojou Kinpatsu no Jeanie ?
Deletecan anyone plz give me akachan to boku eng sub ep from 27onwards plzzz
Deletecan anyone reseed [ARR] B-Densetsu! Battle Bedaman TV 01-13
and [ARR] Bakutama Hit! Crash Bedaman TV 01-50
No free reseeds avalable, only for $.
Deletecan u give me the scripts ?
DeleteWhat for? No raws available for these series.